2016 Wellington Walk-a-Thon

Prizes and Incentives 



School: $17,000

When the school meets in goal, all Wellington students will get to paint Mr. Bagnall's Truck with their handprints.

Grade: Varies according to grade ($45 x number of students in grade)

Grades that meet their goal will earn an extra 15 minute recess.

Grade: Highest average total donation

The grade with the highest average total donation will:

  • Be awarded the spirit flag.
  • Lead the student body onto the field for Walk-a-Thon
  • Choose the color of Mr. Bagnall's hair for the day of the Walk-a-Thon.

Student: Bring in a donation

Every student who brings in a donation either online or in-person will be entered into the daily prize drawing for a gift certificate to the Library Scholastic Book Fair.

Note: One gift certificate will be awarded each day. Once a student has brought in their donation they will automatically be entered in to the subsequent day's drawings.

Student: $45

Every student who brings in the full $45 is entered into the grand prize drawing for Kindle Fire.