March 2025

It is Book Fair Week! On Tuesday night, the Fair will be open for families to shop; be sure to check out the Art Walk while you're at school! Thank you for helping to raise roughly $350 for our Coin Drive for the Book Fair!

It was another incredible performance from our Wolverines during the Missoula Children's Theatre production of 'Alice in Wonderland'! Over 60 kids participated in the production last week and it was a great performance. Congratulations to all of the stars. 

Mr. Schoenfeldt has planned games of kickball for our youngest Wolverines and we need your help! If you’re already at school around the K-2 recesses, check in at the office and join the fun!

Upcoming Events:

March 21: Registration Opens for Spring Before & After School Programs

March 24 – 28: Book Fair (volunteers needed)

March 25: Art Walk & Book Fair Family Fun Night (volunteers needed)

April 25: PACE Carnival

April 29 - May 5: Ridwell Plastic Drive

March 21: Registration Opens for Spring Before & After School Programs
We've got lots of great offerings for the Spring session of the Before & After School Programs! Check out the Before & After School page for more information, or skip straight to the Registration page.

March 24-28: Scholastic Book Fair (volunteers needed)
It's finally here! The annual Wellington Book Fair will be the week of March 24-28 in the Wellington Library. Your student will have the chance to shop the Book Fair during their regularly scheduled library specialist time. Extra shopping hours are each day before school from 8:30 to 9am, and each day after school for 30 minutes (Monday through Thursday). The Book Fair will also be open the evening of March 25 for families to come shop, as well as check out student art work at the Art Walk (read more on this event below). For more information on the Book Fair or to pre-load a student account, use this link to the Scholastic Website.  

We need LOTS of volunteer help to make our Book Fair run smoothly! Book Fair Volunteers help set up and take down the book fair, help at the cash register, retrieve posters, greet customers at the door, help students count their money before getting to the register, and assist with Family Night. Please consider signing up for one or more shifts during book fair week using this link: Contact Mrs. Beavo at with any questions. Thank you! 

March 25: Art Walk & Book Fair Family Fun Night, 5-8pm (volunteers needed)
Come to our Art Walk & Book Fair Family Fun Night! The Art Walk is our annual showcase of student artwork. Every student will have a piece of artwork on display completed with our volunteer classroom Art Docents. The Art Walk will be in Portable 1, come let your student show you their creativity! The Book Fair will also be open for family shopping from 5-8pm!

April 29 - May 5: Ridwell Plastic Film Drive
Save those plastic bags and bring them to school! We are teaming up with Ridwell to gather as much plastic film as we can over the course of a few weeks. Ridwell will pick up the bags on May 6 and recycle the contents! This drive is free to us, and if 10 families join Ridwell service, our school will be entered into an opportunity to receive Ridwell service for all of next year!

Art Docent: Ongoing
Are you curious what an art docent does? Come shadow an art docent to find out! Email if you are interested or have questions. 

Maker’s Space & Wolverine Wranglers: Ongoing (volunteers needed)
Does your kid need an alternative to the playground? Maker’s Space occurs every Monday and Wednesday during lunch recess. Volunteers will interact with students and help them create! Frequently requested items include toilet paper & paper towel tubes, clean pringles cans with lids, Scotch brand magic tape, and white construction paper — drop off donations in the main office.

The weather is getting warmer! Sign up to help any day of the week and lead kids in games of soccer, wall ball, four square, or any other game you’d like.

Math Challenge (online):
The 12th & 13th rounds of the Math Challenge begin March 7 and March 21. This optional challenge is open to all Wellington students grades K-5 and students can participate in all 15 rounds, or just the rounds that work for them. The goal is for students to answer as many questions as they can, and it's a great way to bring math talks home. For the math questions and more information, please follow the link to the PTA Website/Math Challenge. Forms are also available in the office.

Math Challenge #13: March 21 – April 3, answer posted April 4


April 4: Helping Hands

April 7 - 11: Spring Break - No School

April 12: Mariner’s Night Out

April 14: Before & After School Programs Begin

April 18: Popcorn Friday

April 25: PACE Spring Carnival

May 16: Multicultural Night

May 27: Positive Discipline Parent Enrichment Event at Kokanee Elementary

Kindergarten Registration Open
Registration for Kindergarten at Wellington Elementary for the 2025-2026 school year is open! To enter the Kindergarten program in the fall, your child must be five years old on or before August 31, 2025 and live in the Wellington service area. Please complete the paperwork ASAP as the school is trying to plan for next year.  Click on the link to complete the enrollment process here.

Special Thank You to Our Sponsors!

Crumbl Cookies

Yerra Family Dentistry

Advantage Gymnastics

Woodinville Family Medicine & Dermatology

Lego Snapology

Cut and Flow Yoga Studio

Heritage Restaurant

Amazing Athletes

Elite Martial Arts