February 2025

Happy Snow Days! Stay safe and warm!

We have packed a few major events into the short month of February; it is the month of our Helping Hands Food Drive as well as our Firetruck Drop & STEM Fair! Continue reading below for more details.

PTA has received a special request to help with Wolverine Wranglers during the K-2 recesses. Mr. Schoenfeldt has planned games of kickball for our youngest Wolverines and we need your help! If you’re already at school around either of those times, check in at the office and join the fun! You can help during first recess and/or during lunch recess.

We are also looking ahead to next year and need a nominating committee for the PTA Executive Board. If you are interested in helping or are interested in being on next year’s board, we are all ears! We also one more volunteer for our mid-year Finance Review (email treasurer@wellingtonpta.org), and need coordinators for this year’s Field Day and 5th Grade Graduation.

Upcoming Events:

February 3-14: Helping Hands Food Drive (volunteers needed)

February 7: Math Challenge #10 Begins

February 11: **Bothell Police Department Presentation - Protecting Your Children

February 14: Popcorn Friday (volunteers needed)

February 17 - 21: No School – Mid-Winter Break

February 21: Math Challenge #11 Begins

February 25: **Bothell Police Department Presentation - The Digital Playground

February 28: Firetruck Drop (volunteers needed)

February 28: STEM Fair (volunteers needed)

March 17-22: Missoula Children's Theatre (volunteers needed)

**These events are not sponsored by Wellington Elementary PTA

February 3 – 14: Helping Hands Food Drive (volunteers needed)

It’s time for our annual Helping Hands Food Drive to benefit Woodinville Storehouse Food Bank! Bring in any non-perishable items to your child’s classroom beginning February 3. The class that brings in the most items will get to spray Mr. Schoenfeldt with silly string! Remember to scan your receipts for any eligible Box Top products to do double the good!


Most requested items include:

  • Cereal (no Cheerios needed)
  • Dried Pasta
  • Pasta Sauce
  • Hamburger Helper
  • Rice (1lb or 2lb bags)
  • Canned Fruit
  • Chili
  • Canned Ravioli
  • Peanut Butter
  • Canned meat (tuna, chicken, etc.)
  • No canned green beans or corn are needed at this time


*February 11: Bothell Police Department Presentation – Protecting Your Children: Advice from Child Molesters, 6:30 – 8:30pm

This presentation addresses the very real threats children face from people they already know. It covers topics like how many kids are abused each year in our county, what the offenders look like, how they groom children, and how to protect kids...they cannot protect themselves. Using short videos of convicted child molesters, coupled with commentary about real-world Bothell crimes, parents will become armed with the information to protect their kids. This class is free and is presented by the Bothell Police Department, location will be announced.

*This is not a Wellington Elementary PTA sponsored event.

February 14: Popcorn Friday (volunteers needed)

Popcorn for everyone! Tell your student to follow their nose to the popcorn machine in the Wellington Courtyard during lunch recess. Popcorn is free to all students! Volunteers will bag popcorn, distribute to students and clean up.


*February 25: Bothell Police Department Presentation – The Digital Playground: Understanding Online Risks and Protecting Your Child, 6:30 – 8:30pm

This presentation utilizes the experiences of Detective Garcia to paint a picture of the threats children face from self-exploitation, sextortion, and on-line enticement. Tricks and suggestions will be shared for parents dealing with kids that are better at navigating the internet than they are. This class is free and is presented by the Bothell Police Department, location will be announced.

*This is not a Wellington Elementary PTA sponsored event.

February 28: Firetruck Drop (volunteers needed)

Sad we didn’t have a pumpkin drop this year? Dry your tears! Instead of pumpkins, we’re inviting all Wolverines to wrap their own ‘egg’ to be dropped by firemen from the ladder truck! Due to the egg shortage, we are currently exploring egg alternatives, but nevertheless, Wellington students can wrap an ‘egg’ at home or during Maker’s Space, then watch to see if it breaks when dropped by firemen off of the ladder truck!


February 28: STEM Fair (volunteers needed)

Calling all Aspiring Scientists, Engineers, and Innovators! All Wolverines are invited to investigate the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) by completing a STEM project and display board to share at the STEM Fair on Friday, February 28th, 5:30-7:30pm. Students can make observations or conduct an experiment to find an answer to the questions “how something works” or “why something happens.” Don’t have an experiment to share? No problem, come to check out projects as well as exhibits from the Burke Museum, Woodinville High School Robotics Club, and more!

Register your student by Wednesday, February 12th at https://tinyurl.com/WPTASTEM. Questions can be emailed to STEM@wellingtonpta.org.

March 17 -22: Missoula Children’s Theatre (volunteers needed)

Wellington PTA in partnership with Missoula Children’s Theatre is proud to present Alice in Wonderland! Start planning ahead for this week-long immersive theatre experience; rehearsal will be every day after school from March 17 – 21, with performances on Saturday, March 22. Registration opens March 6 at 9pm.

Maker’s Space & Wolverine Wranglers: Ongoing (volunteers needed)

Does your kid need an alternative to the playground? Maker’s Space occurs every Monday and Wednesday during lunch recess. Volunteers will interact with students and help them create! Frequently requested items include toilet paper & paper towel tubes, clean pringles cans with lids, Scotch brand magic tape, and white construction paper — drop off donations in the main office.

Become a Wolverine Wrangler and play with kids during their lunch recess! We really need help during lunch recess! And yes, the weather is cold but all the more reason to run around with kids! Sign up to help any day of the week and lead kids in games of soccer, wall ball, four square, or any other game you’d like.

Art Docent: Ongoing

Are you curious what an art docent does? Come shadow an art docent to find out! Email christine@wellingtonpta.org if you are interested or have questions. 

Math Challenge (online):
The 10th & 11th rounds of the Math Challenge begin February 7 and February 21. This optional challenge is open to all Wellington students grades K-5 and students can participate in all 15 rounds, or just the rounds that work for them. The goal is for students to answer as many questions as they can, and it's a great way to bring math talks home. For the math questions and more information, please follow the link to the PTA Website/Math Challenge. Forms are also available in the office.

Math Challenge #9: January 24 – February 6, answer posted February 7

Math Challenge #10: February 7 – February 20, answer posted February 21

Math Challenge #11: February 21 – March 6, answer posted March 7


Special Thank You to Our Sponsors!

Crumbl Cookies

Yerra Family Dentistry

Advantage Gymnastics

Woodinville Family Medicine & Dermatology

Lego Snapology

Cut and Flow Yoga Studio

Heritage Restaurant

Amazing Athletes

Elite Martial Arts