First step, complete the Northshore School District volunteer application before signing up for any volunteering at Wellington.
February 26 & 28: Firetruck Drop (volunteers needed)
Help students wrap 'eggs', as well as keep students out of the drop zone, retrieve dropped eggs, and monitor the unwrapping station on the actual drop day.
Wolverine Wranglers SignUp Genius
February 28: STEM Fair
Help run science experiments at the STEM Fair!
Recess alternative open during lunch recesses.
We are also searching for individuals to assist the PTA in these roles:
Field Day Lead/Chair
5th Grade Graduation Lead/Chair
Be Our Mascot at PBIS Assemblies!
2025-2026 Fundraising Lead/Chair
Helping Hands Trainee
Nominating Committee Members
Awards Committee Members
Mid-Year Finance Review volunteer