Sign up below to lend a hand the first Friday of every month.


Our mission is to provide opportunities for Wellington students to become more conscious of the needs of others and to serve our community in positive ways. Simply put, we hope to care for and share with those in need in our local community.  

Why join? 

  • Do fun projects with friends
  • Connect with the community
  • Learn about other people
  • Make a difference in someone’s life
  • Earn community service hours  
  • Donate items to help others in need 

Helping Hands will meet the first Friday of each month during lunch recess in the courtyard. The club is open to all Wellington students K-5 and is sponsored by the PTA so there is no cost to participants. Students can participate once or every month, as they choose. We need volunteers to help us on these days, please use the SignUp Genius Link above to join in!